
America's #1 Steel Producing County

Mississippi County, Arkansas is the #1 steel producer in America and home to global leaders in rolled steel production. Global leaders for volume and for innovation, and surprisingly even sustainability practices. Steel made in Mississippi County makes its way into automobiles, sky scrapers, buildings of all kinds, equipment, manufacturing production lines, pipelines, appliances, and energy generation, to name the significant uses. We are the source for building America.

Mississippi County is home to 20 steel-related businesses
Local industry skills training programs form strong partnerships
Mississippi County is known for its reliable, skilled and loyal workers

Over 3,600 workers employed in Mississippi County in the steel industry.

36.6 yrs

The median age of Mississippi County's working population is 36.6 yrs old makeing them primed for blue collar steel jobs.


The total labor force of Mississippi County exceeds 17,000 while combined jobs are just above 15,500.

Get Your Product To Market Easily

Mississippi River access plays a key roll in what makes our county a choice location for steel companies. With large sites adjacent to river barge slips, companies can get their product to market fast and receive necessary shipments with ease. Truck and Rail transportation is also available with our ready infrastructure and interstate access.

Learn About Our Access
Steel Companies in Mississippi County